Information on Tax Identification Numbers

January 8th, 2020

Hong Kong, China does not issue TIN* for communicating with taxpayers. The following identifiers will be equivalent to TIN:

  1. Individuals: Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) number. The HKID is an official identity document issued by the Immigration Department of Hong Kong, China for all residents of age 11 or above (other than those exempted).
  2. Entities: Business Registration (BR) number. The Business Registration Office of Hong Kong, China is responsible for registering businesses carried on by entities. The BR number is a unique number assigned to a business.

[Note: * An individual with a personal eTAX account may register a self-selected “TIN” with the Inland Revenue Department which is solely for accessing the e-services provided by the Department. Such “TIN” is not used as a tax identifier and therefore should not be provided or collected for automatic exchange of financial account information purposes.]


Hong Kong bank account opening questionnaire

January 12th, 2017


Kindly fill in all details in the form

Company Information

Company Name

Mailing address for the account

Main country of business

Names of all signatories for this account

(exactly as per passport)





Ultimate Beneficial Owner Details:


Contact Number

Residential Address


1. Primary Business Activities (and website if any). Elaborate:

2. Secondary Business Activities (and website if any). Elaborate:

3. What is the key reason for setting up a company using Hong Kong jurisdiction?

4. What is the reason for choosing to open the bank account in Hong Kong?

5. What will the Hong Kong bank account be used mostly for? (eg. investments or operational account)

6. Background of the beneficial owners

7. What is the source of wealth of the beneficial owners

8. Names of some of your suppliers




9. Names of some of your customers




10. Names of some of your counterparts/ sister company

11. Expected turnover per year

Waiver of Business Registration Fees for One Year (from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017)

March 22nd, 2016

Important Notice

Waiver of Business Registration Fees for One Year
(from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017)

The Revenue (Reduction of Business Registration Fees) Order 2016 (”the Order”) was published in the Government Gazette on 24 February 2016. By the Order, the fees payable in respect of business registration certificates and branch registration certificates that commence on or after 1 April 2016 but before 1 April 2017 will be reduced by a sum of $2,000 and $73 respectively. Taking into account of the Order, this Office has not demanded the registration fee for the above period in the renewal certificate and demand note for the business or branch. Levy still remains payable.

Please note that the Order is still subject to scrutiny by the Legislative Council. In the event that the Order is not passed or is amended by the Legislative Council, this Office would notify the proper amount payable for the business or branch.

For further enquiry, please call 187 8088.

Business Registration Office
Inland Revenue Department
March 2016

IRBR202 (2/2016)

Share transfer

March 15th, 2016

A shareholder can sell all or part of his shares to another person. The Stamp Duty Office charges stamp duty for share transfer. The stamp duty is 0.2% of either the net asset of the company or the sale price of the shares, whichever is the higher. Our share transfer service includes:

  1. Instrument of Transfer
  2. Bought Note and Sold Note
  3. Account confirmation letter
  4. Preparation and filing of items 1. - 3.

The documents required by the Stamp Duty Office are:

  1. A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
  2. A copy of the Articles of Association
  3. The latest audited account of the company, if the company has conducted business or had assets
  4. The management account less than 3 months old of the company, if the company has conducted business or had assets
  5. Government form declaring values of real estate properties, if the company is holding any real estate property
  6. A copy of Form NSC1, if any
  7. Share transfer documents, if any
  8. Share transfer agreement, if any

Share allotment

March 15th, 2016

A company can add a new shareholder by allotting new shares to the shareholder. Our share allotment service includes:

  1. Application for shares for each shareholder
  2. Directors’ minutes approving the share allotment
  3. Company’s minutes authorizing the directors to allot new shares
  4. Preparation and filing of the Form NSC1

The following information is needed for documents preparation:

  1. the new shareholder’s passport page scan copy showing the name
  2. his residential address
  3. number of shares / percentage of ownership he is going to acquire
  4. the amount of fund he is going to pay to the company for the shares / percentage of ownership

Company name change with new chops

March 14th, 2016

Our company name change service includes:

  1. Directors’ minutes authorizing the change of company name
  2. EGM minutes authorizing the change of company name
  3. Certificate of Name Change
  4. New Business Registration Certificate
  5. A set of new company chops

Items 1.- 4. are required for changing company name at the bank, and the signatures on item 1. must match the signatures on bank’s record. It takes 2 days to update the government record, additional 2 days to receive the new Business Registration Certificate. It will take the bank two weeks to update the company name after submitting items 1.- 4. to the bank separately.

OCBC Wing Hang Bank Hong Kong company account opening fees

September 7th, 2015
  1. Initial deposit: HKD $50,000.
  2. Account opening fee: HKD $1,000.
  3. Annual Fee: HKD $800.
  4. If the average monthly balance is less than HKD $100,000, there will be a HKD $500 monthly fee

香港有限公司會計, 核數, 報稅報價問卷

June 22nd, 2015
  1. 公司名稱
  2. 主要業務
  3. 上述期間營業額(HK$)
  4. 上述期間售貨宗數
  5. 上述期間購貨宗數
  6. 年底存貨價值(HK$)
  7. 公司物業數目
  8. 公司汽車數目
  9. 貴重機器及傢俱數目
  10. 年結日有多少位「應收客」
  11. 年結日有多少位「應付客」
  12. 子公司及聯營公司數目
  13. 辦事處及分行數目
  14. 銀行戶口數目
  15. 銀行貸款數目
  16. 「分期付款」項目數目
  17. 員工數目
  18. 支付佣金/外判人數
  19. [1] 股東及[2] 董事人數
  20. 每月銀行月結單頁數

Hong Kong Limited Company Accounting, Audit, Tax Filing quotation questionnaire

June 22nd, 2015
  1. Company name
  2. Principal activities
  3. Total turnover during the period (HK$)
  4. No. of sales during the period
  5. No. of purchases during the period
  6. Value of closing stocks at year end (HK$)
  7. No. of land and buildings/investment properties
  8. No. of motor vehicles
  9. No. of valuable machineries / furniture
  10. No. of debtors as at balance sheet date
  11. No. of creditors as at balance sheet date
  12. No. of subsidiaries and associates
  13. No. of representative offices / branches
  14. No. of bank accounts
  15. No. of bank loans
  16. No. of hire purchase items
  17. No. of employees
  18. No. of commission payees / subcontractors
  19. No. of [1] shareholders and [2] directors
  20. No. of pages of bank statements per month


January 23rd, 2015

  1. 現有公司之法人執照及有關文件以顯示跟現在欲開戶的公司有相同的董事∕股東∕法人
  2. 現有公司之銀行月結單 (最近3個月)
  3. 如客戶並非提供文件之公司法人、或缺乏有關生意經驗,請提供受并於該公司之僱員合約以顯示與該公司之關係, 以及由原來之公司簽署之授權信說明他們是授權於HSBC開立公司戶口
  4. 現有公司與客戶或生意伙伴之合約及發貨收據,並需顯示跟欲開戶的公司有相同或相關之業務
  5. 供應商及買家之公司名單 (請各提供一至兩間公司名字)
  6. 公司網站以顯示該公司之業務概況
  7. 新公司之計劃書