Archive for October, 2008


Thursday, October 30th, 2008


滙丰银行本星期一(2008年10月27日)推出了新的商务户口”理财易“. “理财易“户口和原有的商业理财户口之不同如下:

  • 没有月费;
  • 没有馀额要求;
  • 有柜台收费. 如果一个月用柜台服务少於六次, 没有收费. 如果用柜台的次数介乎七至十二次, 月费是HKD $75, 如果多於十二次, 每多一次有 HKD $10 服务费.

另外, 滙丰亦更新了原有的商业理财户口收费如下:

  • 如果三个月的平均馀额:
    o 少於十万港元, 月费是 HKD $150;
    o 介乎十万至一百万港元, 月费是 HKD $75;
    o 高过一百万港元, 没有月费



Thursday, October 30th, 2008

滙豐銀行本星期一(2008å¹´10月27æ—¥)推出了新的商務戶口”理財易“. “理財易“戶口和原有的商業理財戶口之不同如下:

  • 没有月費;
  • 没有餘額要求;
  • 有櫃台收費. 如果一個月用櫃台服務少於六次, 没有收費. 如果用櫃台的次數介乎七至十二次, 月費是HKD $75, 如果多於十二次, 每多一次有 HKD $10 服務費.

另外, 滙豐亦更新了原有的商業理財戶口收費如下:

  • 如果三個月的平均餘額
    • 少於十萬港元, 月費是 HKD $150;
    • 介乎十萬至一百萬港元, 月費是 HKD $75;
    • 高過一百萬港元, 没有月費


New HSBC Business Direct account with no monthly fee

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

HSBC has introduced a new business account called “HSBC Business Direct” that requires no monthly fee and minimum account balance. Compared with the existing business account BusinessVantage, the HSBC Business Direct has the following features:

  • No monthly fee;
  • No monthly minimum balance;
  • Counter service fees: $0 if there are less than 7 counter transactions per month, $75 if there are 7 to 12 transactions per month , and $10 per additional transaction.

Beside introducing the new Business Direct service, HSBC has also revised the fees of the existing BusinessVantage:

  • If the average balance of 3 months is less than HKD $100,000, there is a service fee of HKD $150 per month;
  • if the average balance is between HKD $100,000 and HKD $1million, the monthly fee is HKD $75;
  • there is no monthly fee if the balance is above HKD $1million;
  • unlimited free counter service

The service pricings are effective starting this Monday (Oct 27, 2008). For more information, please visit HSBC’s web site: