Archive for November, 2008


Wednesday, November 26th, 2008



  • 第一,參照現行的存款保障計劃的原則,運用外匯基金為存放於香港所有認可機構的客戶存款提供擔保,但除持牌銀行外,還包括有限制牌照銀行及接受存款公司。1 這項擔保適用於存放於香港認可機構的港元及外幣存款,包括存放於外資銀行香港分行的存款。這項擔保將涵蓋超出在存款保障計劃下的受保存款上限的存款。

  • 第二,成立備用銀行資本安排,目的是在有需時向本地註冊持牌銀行提供額外資本。



香港金融管理局總裁任志剛評論這些新措施時表示,這些措施屬預防性質,旨在進一步鞏固本港銀行體系信心。他說:「香港的銀行體系保持穩健,資本充足水平遠 高於國際要求,市民對銀行體系的信心仍然堅穩,但鑑於最近幾個星期全球各地發生的事件,讓我們認為為審慎起見,需要推出這些安排以進一步加強信心及保持銀 行體系穩定。這些措施亦與全球各地為保障金融穩定而採取的行動一致。」

新聞組高級經理陳民傑 2878 1480  或
新聞組經理羅存慧   2878 1687



All Deposits Guaranteed in HK

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

Financial Secretary announces new measures to support confidence in the Hong Kong banking system

The Financial Secretary, Mr John Tsang, announced today (Tuesday) two new precautionary measures to further strengthen confidence in Hong Kong’s banking system:

  • First, the use of the Exchange Fund to guarantee the repayment of all customer deposits held with all Authorized Institutions in Hong Kong following the principles of the existing Deposit Protection Scheme, but including Restricted-Licence Banks and Deposit-Taking Companies as well as Licensed Banks.1 The guarantee applies to both Hong Kong-dollar and foreign-currency deposits with Authorized Institutions in Hong Kong, including those held with Hong Kong branches of overseas institutions. It will cover the amount of deposits in excess of that protected under the Deposit Protection Scheme.

  • Secondly, the establishment of a Contingent Bank Capital Facility (CBCF) for the purpose of making available additional capital to locally incorporated licensed banks, should this become necessary.

Both measures take immediate effect and will remain in force until the end of 2010, when a decision will be taken in the light of international financial conditions on whether they should be extended.

Mr Tsang stressed that he did not expect that the new arrangements would need to be triggered, since the Hong Kong banking sector was fundamentally sound.

Commenting on the measures, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Mr Joseph Yam, said that these were precautionary and pre-emptive measures designed to further strengthen confidence in the local banking system.  “The banking sector in Hong Kong continues to be healthy and robust, with capitalisation well above international requirements. Public confidence in the banking system remains strong. However, events around the world in recent weeks make it prudent for us to introduce these arrangements to bolster confidence and safeguard banking stability.  The measures are also consistent with global efforts to support financial stability,” Mr Yam said.


For further enquiries, please contact:
Thomas Chan, Senior Manager (Press), at 2878 1480 or
Peggy Lo, Manager (Press), at 2878 1687

Hong Kong Monetary Authority
14 October 2008

1 The guarantee covers all protected deposits as defined in the Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance, Cap. 581, were the Ordinance to apply to all authorized institutions.



Friday, November 14th, 2008

由現在至2012年12月31日, 在本公司以套裝A成立香港公司, 將免費獲得一套該公司的印章 (包括一個簽名印, 一個小圓印, 及一個鋼印). 方法:

  1. 以套裝A成立香港公司
  2. 依照本公司的公司成立流程提交資料
  3. 在我們提交文件到政府前或在2012年12月31日或之前付款. 付款方法
  4. 郵費:
    1. 到我們辦公室提取: $0;
    2. 香港及中國內地: $100;
    3. 其他地方: $300


Wednesday, November 12th, 2008


  1. 選擇套裝A. 套裝A包括公司註冊證書,商業登記證及一份會計師核証銀行開戶文件. 要五至六個工作天完成. (HKD $5,380) 更多資料
  2. 香港居民用住圵作為公司註冊地圵 (HKD $0). 租客必須要業主同意才可以用住址作為公司註冊地圵.
  3. 在滙豐銀行開設”理財易“商務戶口”($0 月費) 更多資料
  4. 只購買公司印章. (HKD $200. 亦可以到其他地方購買) 更多資料
  5. HKD $5,380 + HKD $200 = HKD $5,580

如有任何問題請到我們的首頁 或電郵我們查詢.


Friday, November 7th, 2008

注意: 香港銀行是可以直接把郵件寄到國內或海外地址. 所以基本上不需要把銀行信件寄來本辦公室.


每年港幣 $1,200, 我們會在每一個月的其中一日用普通郵寄方式轉寄該公司重量三十克或以下的郵件一次, 每月最多十封信.

每年港幣 $800, 我們會在每一個月的其中一日用普通郵寄方式轉寄該公司重量三十克或以下的政府郵件一次, 每月最多十封信.


註冊辦公室地址是屬於公司, 不能作私人用途.

我們的註冊辦公室服務主要是要給剛起步的公司. 如果要更全面的虛擬辦公室服務, 可以試下  我們有客人用他們的虛擬辦公室服務.