Archive for January, 2015


Friday, January 23rd, 2015

  1. 現有公司之法人執照及有關文件以顯示跟現在欲開戶的公司有相同的董事∕股東∕法人
  2. 現有公司之銀行月結單 (最近3個月)
  3. 如客戶並非提供文件之公司法人、或缺乏有關生意經驗,請提供受并於該公司之僱員合約以顯示與該公司之關係, 以及由原來之公司簽署之授權信說明他們是授權於HSBC開立公司戶口
  4. 現有公司與客戶或生意伙伴之合約及發貨收據,並需顯示跟欲開戶的公司有相同或相關之業務
  5. 供應商及買家之公司名單 (請各提供一至兩間公司名字)
  6. 公司網站以顯示該公司之業務概況
  7. 新公司之計劃書

Business Proof for Bank Account Opening

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

  1. The Certification of Incorporation of companies with common directors or shareholders
  2. The latest 3 months bank statement of companies with common directors or shareholders
  3. if there are no common directors or shareholders, please provide the employment contract or any documents to proof the relationship
  4. Invoice and contract
  5. Name of supplier and buyer (one to two companies)
  6. Website
  7. Business plan