Archive for June, 2015

香港有限公司會計, 核數, 報稅報價問卷

Monday, June 22nd, 2015
  1. 公司名稱
  2. 主要業務
  3. 上述期間營業額(HK$)
  4. 上述期間售貨宗數
  5. 上述期間購貨宗數
  6. 年底存貨價值(HK$)
  7. 公司物業數目
  8. 公司汽車數目
  9. 貴重機器及傢俱數目
  10. 年結日有多少位「應收客」
  11. 年結日有多少位「應付客」
  12. 子公司及聯營公司數目
  13. 辦事處及分行數目
  14. 銀行戶口數目
  15. 銀行貸款數目
  16. 「分期付款」項目數目
  17. 員工數目
  18. 支付佣金/外判人數
  19. [1] 股東及[2] 董事人數
  20. 每月銀行月結單頁數

Hong Kong Limited Company Accounting, Audit, Tax Filing quotation questionnaire

Monday, June 22nd, 2015
  1. Company name
  2. Principal activities
  3. Total turnover during the period (HK$)
  4. No. of sales during the period
  5. No. of purchases during the period
  6. Value of closing stocks at year end (HK$)
  7. No. of land and buildings/investment properties
  8. No. of motor vehicles
  9. No. of valuable machineries / furniture
  10. No. of debtors as at balance sheet date
  11. No. of creditors as at balance sheet date
  12. No. of subsidiaries and associates
  13. No. of representative offices / branches
  14. No. of bank accounts
  15. No. of bank loans
  16. No. of hire purchase items
  17. No. of employees
  18. No. of commission payees / subcontractors
  19. No. of [1] shareholders and [2] directors
  20. No. of pages of bank statements per month