How do I know if my Hong Kong company is incorporated / transferred properly?

You can always go the the Companies Registry’s Cyber Search Centre to check the information of your company. The address of the service is

Once you enter the site, follow the instruction below to search the company’s detail:

  1. Log into the system as Unregistered User
  2. Go to “Search” > “Company Name”
  3. Type in the company name and search
  4. Select your company
  5. Near the bottom of the screen, select “Image Record” and click “Go”
  6. Select “Proceed to Document Index”
  7. Select “Show All” and “Last 3 Years”, then click “Go”
  8. The document of interest will be “(E)FD1- Notification of First Secretary and Director (附表格 D3 With Form(s) D3)”
  9. Add the record to the shopping cart, pay the fee, then download the record to view.

Note that it takes about one week for the information to appear.

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