Hong Kong company accounting, audit, and tax filing cost range

Any Hong Kong company that has conducted business must file audited account to the Inland Revenue Department. The first one should be filed 18 months after incorporation, and the subsequent ones are filed every 12 months. The cost of the accounting, audit, and tax filing depends on the number of transactions the company had monthly, the nature of the business, and the turn over. Here are some examples of the cost:

  1. A Hong Kong company that holds a property and receives monthly rent from the property: HKD $3,500 - HKD $5,000
  2. A Hong Kong trading company that buys goods from Asian countries and sell to European countries: HKD $7,000 - HKD $10,000
  3. A Hong Kong trading company that trades by containers as well as sells on the Internet: HKD $12,000
  4. A Hong Kong company that has several stock trading accounts and conducts day trading using the accounts: HKD $26,000
  5. A Hong Kong company that has several stock accounts in different countries and conducted 12 million computerized transactions during the year: HKD $200,000

So the cost varies a lot. For a more precise quotation, the accountant will need to review the bank account statements of the company. If you have more questions about Hong Kong company accounting, audit, and tax filing, please contact us: info@jinetic.com

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