Archive for February, 2008

HSBC account application interview

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Very Important: If the company has two or more than two directors, at least two of them must be present at the bank interview.

Once you arrive the HSBC SME Centre, you should:

  • inform the receptionist of your arrival
  • give him the name of your company

then you would wait for the bank manager to meet you. When the manager is available, he would lead you to his office, and ask you for a copy of the incorporation documents

  • Notice the stack of documents fastened by a binder clip in your package that have the words “CERTIFIED TRUE COPY” on them. Give the manager the documents.
  • If you could not find the documents, you should call us, and we would immediately issue another set of certified documents to you for the purpose of account application.

Afterward, the manager would ask for your identification documents, residential proof, and business proof. He would also ask you a few questions and enter the information into the computer. At the end of the interview, he would print out some forms and ask you to sign it. After you sign the forms, the manager would submit the information to another centralized service centre for approval. If your application fulfills all the requirements, your account would be approved and activated immediately

If your application is approved, the manager would give you a banking package. Otherwise he may also give you the package without an activated account. If certain documents were missing, you could mail the manager the missing documents later after the meeting, and he would re-submit the application to the service centre for reconsideration.

Hong Kong Shelf Company FAQ

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Could you forward the link where we could download/see the company registration status.

XXXXXXXX LIMITED is a pre-formed shelf company. Therefore, the Certificate of Incorporation is already in the package. What you need to check is who are the directors and shareholders of the company. You can check the company by going to the Companies Registry website here: Companies Registry Electronic Search Service

  1. Enter the system as an unregistered user
  2. Type in the full name of the company, and then “Search”
  3. Locate “Image Record”, click on “Go”
  4. click the button “Proceed to Document Index”
  5. select “Last 3 Years”, click “Go”
  6. The documents of interest are FSC1 Return of Allotments and FD1 Notification of First Secretary and Director
  7. Add the documents to the shopping cart
  8. Have your credit card ready, follow the direction of the site to pay and download the documents.

HSBC Causeway Bay Travel Direction

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

The HSBC Causeway Bay SME Centre (green balloon on the map) is located on the 23rd floor of the Causeway Bay Plaza Two. It takes about ten minutes to walk from our office (red balloon) to the SME Centre, or about 3 minutes from the Causeway Bay MTR station exit C (purple balloon).

The Causeway Bay Plaza Two has two sections: a commercial building and a shopping mall. The SME centre is located in the commercial building, not in the shopping mall. The entrance of the building is on the Percival Street. The service branch, where the tellers and ATM machines are located, is in the shopping mall. Be sure you enter the commercial building first. After the account application is approved, you then come down and use the ATM at the branch.

The address and travel direction of the HSBC SME Centre are shown here:

Unit 2303, 23/F, Causeway Bay Plaza Two
463-483 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (+852) 2572 7169

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Six-day Hong Kong Incorporation

Monday, February 25th, 2008

As we have already consistently completed the incorporation process (that is, registering a new company, obtaining the Business Registration, and making the company kit) within 6 working days after we receive the signed documents, therefore, we have decided to enhance our performance target to 6 working days.

Combined with our on-line automatic document generation system, which can create incorporation documents in just a few minutes, our customers will definitely have more time to do business than their competitors will - obviously an unfair advantage over the competition.

(Please note that the 6 working days performance target reflects our performance and is not a term of our service)


Monday, February 25th, 2008

我想注册一间香港有限公司. 可否告诉我香港公司注册流程, 收费及手续?

1.) 你可以给我们新公司名称, 我们可以为你查册.你亦可以到公司注册署的网站自己查册: 当你决定公司名称后我们才作最后查册.

2a.) 找一位朋友或亲人作公司出生的见证人.他将会以见证人的身份签署公司章程.他必须是一位成年人, 亦不可以是新公司的董事或股东.

2b.) 你亦可以亲临本办事处,我们可以当见人.

3.) 你在公司成立时有没有香港地址? 如果没有, 你就必须用我们的注册办公室服务.我们的注册办公室服务收费一年为港元 $1,200.我们每一个月会转寄该公司重量三十克或以下的信件一次.注意我们是不会转寄广告邮件.

4.) 你有没有打印机和A4纸? 如果没有,我们可以邮寄文件给你.

5a.) 在我们已加密的网站开户,输入公司资料:

5b.) 你亦可以电邮董事,见证人,及股东的护照号码,护照发出国家,及英文住址给我们,我们会为你输入资料.

6.) 如果你自己打印文件,你可以签署文件后,把文件寄回来时才付款.如果要我们邮寄文件给你,你必须在邮寄前付款.

7.) 把文件签署.签署方法可在这里找到: 香港公司注册文件签署方法

8.) 把己签署的文件转真或电邮给我们. 我们必须在你寄文件回来前检查它们, 确保文件签署正确.我们的联络方法.

9.) 把己签署的文件正本邮寄回来.我们会在收到文件后大约六个工作天把公司注册.

10.) 如果你会到香港银行开户,你可以到本办事处提取公司套装.不然,我们可以把公司套装邮寄给你.

11.) 总费: 注册费 + 注册办公室服务费 + 邮费


Monday, February 25th, 2008

我想註冊一間香港有限公司. 可否告訴我香港公司註冊流程,收費及手續?

1.) 你可以給我們新公司名稱, 我們可以為你查冊.你亦可以到公司註冊署的網站自己查冊: 當你決定公司名稱後我們才作最後查冊.

2a.) 找一位朋友或親人作公司出生的見證人.他將會以見證人的身份簽署公司章程.他必須是一位成年人, 亦不可以是新公司的董事或股東.

2b.) 你亦可以親臨本辦事處, 我們可以當見證人.

3.) 你在公司成立時有沒有香港地址? 如果沒有, 你就必須用我們的註冊辦公室服務.我們的註冊辦公室服務收費一年為港元 $1,200.我們每一個月會轉寄該公司重量三十克或以下的信件一次.注意我們是不會轉寄廣告郵件.

4.) 你有沒有打印機和A4紙? 如果沒有,我們可以郵寄文件給你.

5a.) 在我們已加密的網站開戶,輸入公司資料:

5b.) 你亦可以電郵公司英文註冊地址, 董事及股東的中英文名字,身份証或護照號碼,護照發出國家,英文住址,及持股量, 見證人的英文名字及英文地址給我們,我們會為你輸入資料.

6.) 如果你自己打印文件,你可以簽署文件後,把文件寄回來時才付款.如果要我們郵寄文件給你,你必須在郵寄前付款.

7.) 把文件簽署.簽署方法可在這裏找到: 香港公司註冊文件簽署方法

8.) 把己簽署的文件轉真或電郵給我們. 我們必須在你寄文件回來前檢查它們, 確保文件簽署正確.聯絡我們的方法.

9.) 把己簽署的文件正本郵寄回來.我們會在收到文件後大約六個工作天把公司註冊.

10.) 如果你會到香港銀行開戶,你可以到本辦事處提取公司套裝.不然,我們可以把公司套裝郵寄給你.郵寄到中國大陸的費用是港元 $100.

11.) 總費: 公司註冊費 + 一年註冊辦公室費 + 郵費

After bank account approval

Friday, February 1st, 2008

The following instruction is written for the bank account application at the HSBC Causeway Bay Plaza 2 SME Centre.

If you can provide sufficient residential proof and business proof, the bank will approve the application of the business bank account for your new company:

  1. The bank account and ATM card become operational immediately.
  2. The online e-banking account becomes operational in 10 days to 2 weeks

The bank representative would give you a package. The items that require your immediate attention are the ATM card envelope, and the sealed ATM card password envelope.

  1. When you are in front of the bank representative
    1. unseal the ATM card envelope
    2. sign at the back of the ATM card
    3. sign a paper and acknowledge that you have received the ATM card
    4. put the card in your wallet
  2. Put the package in your briefcase or in a bag

After that you leave the SME centre and go down stair to the ground floor. A HSBC branch is located in the same building but on the second floor of the plaza:

  1. Make a right turn after you leave the lobby of the building
  2. Locate the escalator at the corner of the building
  3. Use the escalator to move to the second floor

You will find the HSBC branch right in front of you. Enter the branch and you will notice:

  1. A group of ATMs on your right hand side
  2. A group of automatic cash and cheque deposit machines on your left hand side

You need to change the PIN of your ATM card, so

  1. Line up to use the ATM
  2. Unseal the envelope that contains the password of the card
  3. Come up with a new password

When it is your turn to use the ATM

  1. Insert the card into the machine
  2. Enter the password as indicated on the envelope
  3. Select the language as requested by the machine
  4. Locate “Other Services”, which is on the lower right hand side of the screen, and press the button next to it (not on the screen, this is no touch-screen)
  5. Locate “Change PIN”, which is on the left hand side of the screen, and press the button next to it
  6. Enter the new password
  7. The machine will ask you to confirm the new password by re-entering the new password
  8. After the password is successfully changed, take the card by pressing the red cancel button
  9. Remember to pick up the card (This is important!)

So after you have successfully changed the password, you can go home. If you want to deposit cash into the account, follow the instruction here:

  1. Remember the automatic deposit machine on your left hand side when you entered the branch? Now they are at your back.
  2. Line up to use the deposit machine
  3. Insert card
  4. The machine will not ask you for password. It will eject the card after finishing reading the card
  5. Pick up the ATM card after the machine ejects it
  6. Insert money notes into the machine. You can see a flashing light that shows you the slot that accepts money notes
  7. After you are done, print the receipt. That is.

Sometime the machine does not accept certain notes, probably because there are wrinkles on them, or they are fake. You can retry the automatic deposit by re-inserting the card and re-start the whole process again. Or you can deposit the money by going to the human teller counters.